One day, GhostBSDCon will be the premier online conference for Desktop users and developers on BSD based systems, but for 2025 GhostBSDCon will be a MVP (minimum viable product) while the community develops.
GhostBSD Quarterly SNAPSHOT Series
GhostBSD Quaterly Snapshot Series invites all to propose BSD presentations.
If you are doing something interesting with a BSD operating system, please get in touch! Both users and developers are encouraged to share their experiences. Presentations should be less than 15 minutes, but are welcome to include links to additional content and materials.
Snapshot agendas and individual presentation threads will be made available in the GhostBSD Forums.
Presentations will be released at GhostBSD’s YouTube Channel and curated as Quarterly Playlists.
Email ghostbsdcon@ghostbsd.org, connect in the GhsotBSD forums, or check in via Telegram.
- GhostBSD 2025Q1 SNAPSHOT - 20250331
- GhostBSD 2025Q2 SNAPSHOT - 20250630
- GhostBSD 2025Q3 SNAPSHOT - 20250930
- GhostBSD 2025Q4 SNAPSHOT - 20251215
GhostBSD Community resources are volunteer and in-kind.
We hope to offer an award for Best-in-Show by popular vote (Q4 Survey) to support ongoing community efforts.
- If BSD makes the work you do – work,
- If BSD enables your ideas to become action,
- If your business wants to be seen by the BSD community…
Please consider becoming a GhostBSD Sponsor.