February to June 2024 finance report

I am glad to present the financial update for February through June to the GhostBSD community and our esteemed sponsors. Your steadfast support is crucial to our progress, enabling us to sustain and improve our operations. I sincerely appreciate your continued involvement and trust.

To streamline communication, I have combined the reports from February to June into a single update. Moving forward, I aim to provide monthly updates to keep everyone informed promptly.

February Report

February Donations Received:

  • PayPal Contributions: $915.00 CAD
  • Patreon Contributions: $538.00 CAD

Total Donations for February: $1,453.00 CAD

February Expenses Incurred:

  • Storj (Cloud Storage): $81.61 CAD
  • So you Start (Server Expenses): $150.27 CAD
    • 6 IPs for jails
    • Website dedicated servers
    • Paris dedicated servers
  • OVH (Server and Development Costs): $287.09 CAD
    • ISO and packages builder

Total Expenses for February: $518 CAD

March Report

Donations Received:

  • PayPal Contributions: $602.00 CAD
  • Patreon Contributions: $538.00 CAD

Total Donations for March: $1,140.00 CAD

Expenses Incurred:

  • Storj (Cloud Storage): $72.80 CAD
    • Packages distribution
  • So you Start (Server Expenses): $150.27 CAD
    • 6 IPs for jails
    • Website dedicated servers
    • Paris dedicated servers
  • OVH (Server and Development Costs): $287.09 CAD
    • ISO and packages builder

Total Expenses for March: $510.16 CAD

April Report

Donations Received:

  • PayPal Contributions: $573.00 CAD
  • Patreon Contributions: $537.00 CAD

Total Donations for April: $1,110.00 CAD

Expenses Incurred:

  • Storj (Cloud Storage): $69.91 CAD
    • Packages distribution
  • So you Start (Server Expenses): $150.27 CAD
    • 6 IPs for jails
    • Website dedicated servers
    • Paris dedicated servers
  • OVH (Server and Development Costs): $287.09 CAD
    • ISO and packages builder
  • Lenovo ThinkPad T580 Laptop: $493.35 CAD
    • Equipment purchase for development and operations

Total Expenses for April: $1000.62 CAD

May Report

Donations Received:

  • PayPal Contributions: $640.00 CAD
  • Patreon Contributions: $542.00 CAD

Total Donations for May: $1,182.00 CAD

Expenses Incurred:

  • Storj (Cloud Storage): $78.51 CAD
    • Packages distribution
  • So you Start (Server Expenses): $150.27 CAD
    • 6 IPs for jails
    • Website dedicated servers
    • Paris dedicated servers
  • OVH (Server and Development Costs): $287.09 CAD
    • ISO and packages builder

Total Expenses for May: $515.87 CAD

June Report

Donations Received:

  • PayPal Contributions: $640.00 CAD
  • Patreon Contributions: $544.00 CAD

Total Donations for June: $1,193.00 CAD

Expenses Incurred:

  • Storj (Cloud Storage): $58.96 CAD
    • Packages distribution
  • So you Start (Server Expenses): $150.27 CAD
    • 6 IPs for jails
    • Website dedicated servers
    • Paris dedicated servers
  • OVH (Server and Development Costs): $287.09 CAD
    • ISO and packages builder

Total Expenses for June: $496.32 CAD

The total so far for this year is $7,265 CAD. Our goal is to raise $25,000 CAD. Although we did not meet last year’s target of $20,000 CAD, we remain optimistic about reaching our goal this year.

We extend our deepest thanks to all donors and sponsors. Your generous contributions continue to empower our projects and initiatives, ensuring that GhostBSD remains at the forefront of technological development and community service.