GhostBSD 24.07.3 Is Now Available

I am pleased to announce the release of GhostBSD 24.07.3!

This release fixes issues found in 24.07.1 and 24.07.2, bringing important enhancements, bug fixes, and new features. Key improvements include setting vital system and software packages, adding support to mark packages as vital, and including hgame in kld_list.

Notably, we resolved the legacy boot issue where the live session wouldn't start due to missing gzip in the BIOS /boot/loader. We’ve also ensured /etc/X11 is properly created during setup.

Thank you to everyone who reported these issues and helped us improve GhostBSD!

GhostBSD 24.07.3 Changelog

Enhancement, Improvements, and New Features

Bug Fixes

Security Fixes

Known issues

You can find all known issues here:

Where to download:

All images, checksums, hybrid ISO(DVD, USB), and torrents are available here:

Writing the ISO to a USB stick


dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.07.3.iso of=/dev/da0 bs=4m conv=sync

On Linux

dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.07.3.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M

On Mac

dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.07.3.iso of=/dev/disk2 bs=10240

On Windows, using

./dd.exe if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.07.3.iso of=USB Drive bs=84