I am pleased to announce the release of GhostBSD 24.04.1!
First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who reported issues and contributed their time, effort, and expertise to enhance GhostBSD for this latest release.

GhostBSD 24.04.1 is the second release under FreeBSD 14 stable. I have updated the system to 1400510, and the MATE desktop is updated to 1.28.1. This release also contains some bug fixes found in previous releases and with some improvements.
GhostBSD 24.04.1 Changelog
Enhancements, Improvements, New Features, and Updates
- ghostbsd/issues#45 ig4 module should be loaded by default in GhostBSD
- ghostbsd/issues#91 No message on the admin user setup to warn the users.
- ghostbsd/issues#96 Please add signal-desktop app to GhostBSD
- ghostbsd/update-station#40 Fix Russian translation mistake
- ghostbsd/issues#102 Update archivers/engrampa to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#103 Update audio/libmatemixer to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#104 Update audio/mate-media to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#105 Update deskutils/caja-extensions to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#107 Update deskutils/mate-notification-daemon to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#108 Update deskutils/mate-utils to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#110 Update editors/pluma to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#109 Update deskutils/mozo to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#111 Update editors/pluma-plugins - 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#112 Update devel/mate-common to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#113 Update x11/ghostbsd-mate to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#114 Update graphics/atril to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#115 Update graphics/atril-lite - 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#116 Update math/mate-calc to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#117 Update misc/mate-user-guide to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#119 Update net/libmateweather to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#120 Update sysutils/mate-polkit to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#121 Update sysutils/mate-power-manager to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#122 Update sysutils/mate-settings-daemon to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#123 Update sysutils/mate-system-monitor to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#125 Update x11/mate to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#126 Update x11/mate-applets to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#127 Update x11/mate-base to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#128 Update x11/mate-desktop to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#129 Update x11/mate-menus to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#130 Update x11/mate-panel to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#131 Update x11/mate-screensaver to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#132 Update x11/mate-session-manager to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#134 Update x11-fm/caja to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#133 Update x11/mate-terminal to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#135 Update x11-themes/mate-backgrounds to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#136 Update x11-themes/mate-icon-theme to 1.28.0
- ghostbsd/issues#137 Update x11-wm/marco to 1.28.1
- ghostbsd/issues#142 Update to 1.28.0 graphics/eom
- ghostbsd/gbi#74 Adding admin user message
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-src#321 24.04.1 system update
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-src#322 Adding I2C support by default
- ghostbsd/pybectl#4 Adding to detect if the file system is zfs
- ghostbsd/update-station#42 If not ZFS do not try to create a backup
Bug Fixes
- ghostbsd/issues#90 On the first boot, lightdm login has no wallpaper.
- ghostbsd/issues#94 No static ip address after upgrading to 24.01.1
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-ports#76 Adding x11/ghostbsd-slick-greeter-settings to slick-greeter run depend
- ghostbsd/issues#97 Backup Station does not work
- ghostbsd/networkmgr#104 Reworked NetworkMgr devd files and replaced Enable Networking by Restart Networking.
- ghostbsd/pybectl#3 Fixed get_be_list
- ghostbsd/backup-station#17 Removed pop from data in create_be_list
- ghostbsd/update-station#41 Fix translation
- ghostbsd/issues#138 update-station breaks when running on UFS the filesystem
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-mate-settings#2 Fixed window-scaling-factor
Security Fixes
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-src#320 build(deps): bump idna from 3.3 to 3.7 in /contrib/libcbor/doc/source
- ghostbsd/ghostbsd-src#323 build(deps): bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 in /contrib/libcbor/doc/source
Known issues
You can find all known issues here: https://github.com/orgs/ghostbsd/projects/4/views/21
Where to download:
All images, checksums, hybrid ISO(DVD, USB), and torrents are available here:
Writing the ISO to a USB stick
dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.04.1.iso of=/dev/da0 bs=4m conv=sync
On Linux
dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.04.1.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M
On Mac
dd if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.04.1.iso of=/dev/disk2 bs=10240
On Windows, using http://www.chrysocome.net/dd
./dd.exe if=Downloads/GhostBSD-24.04.1.iso of=USB Drive bs=84
To upgrade GhostBSD to 24.04.1
See our Upgrading GhostBSD Guide.
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